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Tiger Teams Secures Phenomenal ROI


A loss making manufacturing company facing financial challenges and a negative culture decided to invest in a transformative leadership training programme to change its trajectory.


The Situation: 

Twelve individuals from various departments and levels within the company were sent to participate in a programme that aimed to reshape the company’s culture and boost overall performance.

The diverse group included individuals such as the Marketing Director, a Sales Representative, a Fitter from the shop floor, and a Union Convenor who initially sought increased compensation for attending the programme .

The pivotal moment came when the Union Convenor, after experiencing the programme, urged the Board to send as many employees as possible, emphasising the transformative potential. This endorsement resulted in a shift of priorities, allowing the company to afford subsequent courses for a larger workforce.

“I really do credit the programme with unleashing the potential in every individual that attended. My team described the training environment as unique and a safe space for open dialogue and idea generation – it’s incredibly empowering for employees at all levels.” Peter Swift, UK&I Director 


The Solution: 

Monthly programmes were run for a year in the Lake District, involving 144 participants (around 20% of the workforce), fostering a sense of connection and shared experience.  Each programme lasted 4 days and involved a combination of physical challenges that developed mindset and built trust within the group and business-focused strategy and planning.


The Impact: 

Efficiency initiatives in the factory led to increased productivity and within six months, the company turned a profit. A noticeable change in attitude permeated throughout the organisation.

The heightened trust and receptiveness to change resulted in employees making life-changing decisions and a cultural shift where everyone contributed ideas. Decision-making accelerated, eliminating office politics, and engineering development reached unprecedented speed.

Although the leadership training was initially deemed expensive, the return on investment was remarkable. The company’s value surged from £5 million to £60 million within four years, providing the equity investors with a tenfold return on their investment.

“We had been viewed as unattractive to investors but went from running at a loss to being profitable within 12 months of the first programme. The positive cultural transformation played a significant role in the company’s success.” Peter Swift, UK&I Director

The transformative training not only help save the company financially but was also the catalyst for an extraordinary cultural shift that contributed to its exponential growth. The programme, with its unique approach, empowered individuals and facilitated positive change throughout the organisation. The company’s journey from a struggling entity to a thriving enterprise serves as a testament to the profound impact of investing in transformative leadership training.