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The Tiger Teams process helps your organisation boil things down to the basics and gets your team working closely together. The competing pressures of day-to-day operations often make it difficult to deal with some of the deeper challenges that affect your business.

We craft a space that offers invaluable time to have the kind of conversations that count and develop open, honest & collaborative relationships with your colleagues.

Spend invaluable time together getting to see different aspects of yourself & the people you work with in a challenging and engaging off-site to develop a deeper understanding of each other and what the business needs to unlock hidden potential. Focus these new team dynamics on strategic thinking, collaborative innovation and concrete planning to improve areas of the business.


Our unique stretch experience offers you, as a leader, the chance to understand yourself, and those you work with better, and help you in adapting and flexing your personal style to get the best out of yourself and those around you.

Our focus is on supporting you to enhance your leadership effectiveness and create cultures that are in service of your organisational vision.

Experience has taught us that Tiger Teams Transformation participants go back into the workplace refreshed and fired up, ready to affect rapid and tangible change and still hold powerful, positive memories of their experience decades later.


Tiger Teams CEO John Peck and his team are experts on resilience. John brings a unique perspective from his extreme adventures, having battled the elements rowing single handed across the Atlantic and walking to the North Pole.

Our highly successful, personalised resilience program combines challenge, coaching and consultancy. We take resourceful leaders to the Cumbrian wilderness to develop deep routed resilient mindsets, helping them unlock fresh insight that can help the solve seemingly intractable problems. We are confident that those leaders who participate in our programme will experience true breakthroughs.